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Biology Bmr. Mac's Biology Page

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A molecular and cell biological study of the structure and function of nucleic acids and proteins.

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  • Human Biology and Lab (BIOL 126 & 126L), Concepts of Biology and Lab (BIOL 111 and 111L). Research interests include how teaching techniques used in the classroom affect student learning. Specifically of interest is what types of questions non-majors students ask about biological concepts and what impacts the nature of those questions.

I am writing to express my great interest in applying for the Ph.D. Position at University of xxxx, at the xxxx Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, on Parasites of Cetaceans. I have always been interested in aquatic life and living on the coast has been a major advantage for the ambition of becoming a Marine Biologist since I.

A molecular and cell biological study of the structure of cells and of cellular metabolism.

An advanced molecular and cell biological study of cell metabolism and the regulation of cell function.

Stick rpg hackedobey games. A molecular and cell biological study of the basis of diseases prevalent in Appalachia

An application-oriented course in statistical concepts and techniques aimed at prospective researchers in the biomedical sciences.

Biology Bmr. Mac's Biology Page 112

To study and understand the structure and function of the nervous system and disorders of neuronal function.

Pre-req: BMR 600.

To study and understand the structure and function of the nervous system and disorders of neuronal function.

Pre-req: BMR 628.

Published articles in the neuroscience literature will be presented by all class members. Each presentation will include background introduction methods, results, and discussion of the neuroscience research.

During my student teaching at Charlevoix High School, I taught a 10-12 grade elective speech class. Since the class was small in number, we were able to do a number of different speeches. I taught units on informative speaking, storytelling, future view speeches, demonstration speeches, special occasion speeches, impromptu speeches,. The unit examines ten various aspects of persuasive messages, beginning with a brief introduction of what constitutes a persuasive message and including ways to be effective persuaders, how to choose a topic, how to use presentation aids, tips for effective delivery, and how to evaluate persuasive messages and the speakers who give them. Persuasive speech units. schrader's teaching portfolio organizer. Teacher Grade Class/Subject/Time Date Today's Lesson Objective: Students will explore mass media and review the persuasive speech assignment. Mental Set, Share Objective (Behavior and Content aligned with district and state benchmarks), Input, Modeling, Check for Understanding, Guided Practice. Persuasive Message Unit As part of a final project for my Speech Methods in Secondary Schools class at Central Michigan University, I created a 3-week long persuasive speaking unit plan. This unit includes many different hands-on student activities and culminates in the presentation of a persuasive speech.

An in-depth discussion of current literature in developmental biology with emphasis on early embryo development, morphogenesis, lineage determination and regulation of of developmental process.

Pre-req: BIC 628.

Responsible conduct of research, including human subjects, live vertebrate animals, conflict of interest, mentor.mentee responsibilities, collaborative research, peer review, data management, research misconduct, and responsible authorship, with case discussions.

An advanced graduate course on the core principles of initiation, progression, treatment and prevention of cancer, based on current literature. (PR: BMR 601, 602, 603, 604, and permission of instructor).

Pre-req: BMR 601 and BMR 602 and BMR 603 and BMR 604.

This is a mentored journal club for graduate students covering selected areas of current interest in cancer biology research.

Biomedical graduate students are trained to plan, prepare and deliver effective scientific presentations.

Biomedical graduate students are trained to plan, prepare and deliver effective scientific presentations.

A seminar course where published articles in the field of obesity and obesity-related diseases are presented and discussed.

A seminar-style series that will focus on recent advances in topics related to cardiovascular disease.

Students gain experience in teaching using a variety of methods in a supervised setting.

Mentored journal club preparation with monthly presentation in cellular and molecular biology research.

Intensive study of a selected topic or problem. Emphasizes independent study.


Study and discussion of current topics related to the Biomedical Sciences.

Directed research activities requiring a completed prospectus for an advanced research project, a written report, or a research thesis. A minimum of three (3) hours required for all M.S. candidates.

Assistant Professor
Community Ecology, Mycorrhizas, Plant-Fungal Interactions
Phone (701) 231-5769
Stevens 318

Kimberly Booth

Assistant Professor of Practice
Non-Majors Biology:
Human Biology and Lab (BIOL 126 & 126L), Concepts of Biology and Lab (BIOL 111 and 111L). Research interests include how teaching techniques used in the classroom affect student learning. Specifically of interest is what types of questions non-majors students ask about biological concepts and what impacts the nature of those questions.
(701) 231-7224
OfficeStevens 224

Associate Professor
Evolutionary and Developmental Biology
(701) 231-7072 (voice mail only)
Office Stevens 325

Ned A. Dochtermann

Associate Professor
Behavioral and evolutionary ecology.
Ecological and evolutionary maintenance and consequences of phenotypic variation, in particular behavioral variation and behavioral correlations. Research examines, for example, how variation impacts evolutionary outcomes available to populations and how variation influences population dynamics.
OfficeStevens 329B

Associate Professor
Behavioral ecology of mammals, with a focus on bats.
Understanding how ecological, evolutionary, and behavioral factors influence the structure of acoustic communication signals. Behavioral context and function of social calls in a variety of species. Ecology of bats and other mammals in the Great Plains.
Phone (701) 231-9401
OfficeStevens 327

Kendra Greenlee

Professor and Chair
Insect Physiology and Immunology.
Research interests include body size variation and respiratory system physiology in insects, with an emphasis on the effects of hypoxia on respiratory functions and molting. I am also interested in insect immunity and the response to bacterial and parasite infections.
Phone (701) 231-6270
OfficeStevens 201B

Associate Professor
Physiological ecology, seasonality, biological rhythms. Physiological and evolutionary mechanisms regulating life-history transitions in seasonal environments. Trade-offs between physiological systems, particularly between energetic investment into reproduction and immune function (as a proxy for survival). Identification of selective forces acting to favor precise timing mechanisms, fitness value of functional endogenous clocks.
Phone (701) 231-9461 (voice mail only)
OfficeStevens 324

Jill Hamilton

Assistant Professor
Plant Evolutionary Genomics: Understanding how genomic and environmental variation interact to influence traits important to climate adaptation. I combine genomic tools with traditional quantitative genetics and field experiments to inform genetic conservation and management strategies in natural and managed plant populations.
Phone (701) 231-7160
OfficeStevens 114B

Associate Professor
Physiological ecology. Physiological mechanisms underlying life-history strategies, with an emphasis on understanding the hormonal and cellular mechanisms of aging in birds. Current research is focused on examining how variation in stress responsiveness and exposure to stressors influences telomere dynamics.
Phone (701) 231-5377 (voice mail only)
OfficeStevens 225

Angela Hodgson

Associate Professor of Practice
Coordinator of General Biology Labs (BIOL 150L and BIOL 151L); Research Interests - Wildlife Ecology; Influence of trophic feedbacks among herbivores, plant communities and soil nutrients on plant and animal population dynamics and spatial pattern formation. Affect of human disturbance on animal populations. Conservation Biology
Phone (701) 231-6561 (voice mail only)
OfficeStevens 326


Study and discussion of current topics related to the Biomedical Sciences.

Directed research activities requiring a completed prospectus for an advanced research project, a written report, or a research thesis. A minimum of three (3) hours required for all M.S. candidates.

Assistant Professor
Community Ecology, Mycorrhizas, Plant-Fungal Interactions
Phone (701) 231-5769
Stevens 318

Kimberly Booth

Assistant Professor of Practice
Non-Majors Biology:
Human Biology and Lab (BIOL 126 & 126L), Concepts of Biology and Lab (BIOL 111 and 111L). Research interests include how teaching techniques used in the classroom affect student learning. Specifically of interest is what types of questions non-majors students ask about biological concepts and what impacts the nature of those questions.
(701) 231-7224
OfficeStevens 224

Associate Professor
Evolutionary and Developmental Biology
(701) 231-7072 (voice mail only)
Office Stevens 325

Ned A. Dochtermann

Associate Professor
Behavioral and evolutionary ecology.
Ecological and evolutionary maintenance and consequences of phenotypic variation, in particular behavioral variation and behavioral correlations. Research examines, for example, how variation impacts evolutionary outcomes available to populations and how variation influences population dynamics.
OfficeStevens 329B

Associate Professor
Behavioral ecology of mammals, with a focus on bats.
Understanding how ecological, evolutionary, and behavioral factors influence the structure of acoustic communication signals. Behavioral context and function of social calls in a variety of species. Ecology of bats and other mammals in the Great Plains.
Phone (701) 231-9401
OfficeStevens 327

Kendra Greenlee

Professor and Chair
Insect Physiology and Immunology.
Research interests include body size variation and respiratory system physiology in insects, with an emphasis on the effects of hypoxia on respiratory functions and molting. I am also interested in insect immunity and the response to bacterial and parasite infections.
Phone (701) 231-6270
OfficeStevens 201B

Associate Professor
Physiological ecology, seasonality, biological rhythms. Physiological and evolutionary mechanisms regulating life-history transitions in seasonal environments. Trade-offs between physiological systems, particularly between energetic investment into reproduction and immune function (as a proxy for survival). Identification of selective forces acting to favor precise timing mechanisms, fitness value of functional endogenous clocks.
Phone (701) 231-9461 (voice mail only)
OfficeStevens 324

Jill Hamilton

Assistant Professor
Plant Evolutionary Genomics: Understanding how genomic and environmental variation interact to influence traits important to climate adaptation. I combine genomic tools with traditional quantitative genetics and field experiments to inform genetic conservation and management strategies in natural and managed plant populations.
Phone (701) 231-7160
OfficeStevens 114B

Associate Professor
Physiological ecology. Physiological mechanisms underlying life-history strategies, with an emphasis on understanding the hormonal and cellular mechanisms of aging in birds. Current research is focused on examining how variation in stress responsiveness and exposure to stressors influences telomere dynamics.
Phone (701) 231-5377 (voice mail only)
OfficeStevens 225

Angela Hodgson

Associate Professor of Practice
Coordinator of General Biology Labs (BIOL 150L and BIOL 151L); Research Interests - Wildlife Ecology; Influence of trophic feedbacks among herbivores, plant communities and soil nutrients on plant and animal population dynamics and spatial pattern formation. Affect of human disturbance on animal populations. Conservation Biology
Phone (701) 231-6561 (voice mail only)
OfficeStevens 326

Senior Lecturer
Lecture in Human Anatomy & Physiology, Comparative Chordate Morphology, and Herpetology. Interests/education focus include ecology, animal behavior, evolution, and conservation biology.
Office Stevens 215

Jiha Kim

Assistant Professor
Tumor Microenvironment.
Understanding cross communications between cancer cells and tumor microenvironment with an emphasis on vascular and immune components. Current research is focused on identifying a mechanism to reprogram the perivascular signature to promote vascular functionality and enhance drug delivery efficacy.
Cancer Cell Biology
Phone (701) 231-6709
Office Stevens 206

Research Wildlife Biologist and Project Leader
North Dakota Field Station USDA-APHIS-Wildlife Services
National Wildlife Research Center
Wildlife Damage Management – Birds and Agriculture. Methods development and population biology of blackbirds and starlings in conflict with agriculture, concentrated animal feeding operations, and urban environments. My main focus is managing the conflict between sunflower producers and birds with methods including frightening devices, wildlife repellents, wetland management, and decoy crops. Optimization of methods takes into account blackbird biology and the influence of landscape at multiple biological levels and geographic scales.
Phone 701-231-5190
Office Stevens 233

Giancarlo López-Martínez

Assistant Research Professor
Stress Physiology.
I study how oxidative stress and damage mediate life history traits and therefore play a critical role in evolutionary biology. Current research is focused on how oxidative stress and hormesis affect short-term, long-term, and transgenerational survival, reproduction, and performance in arthropod systems.

Stevens 120

Biology Bmr. Mac's Biology Pages

Associate Professor
Science education.
Effective pedagogy for and challenges to undergraduate learning of complex biological systems; infusing introductory biology curriculum with quantitative biology; barriers and effective approaches to instructional change in undergraduate biology.
OfficeStevens 223

Lisa Montplaisir

Biology Bmr. Mac's Biology Page 148

Science education, especially in post-secondary science classrooms. Research focus is on student learning and understanding in undergraduate science classrooms. Other interests are knowledge retention and curriculum development at the undergraduate level and teacher retention/recruitment and curriculum development at the secondary level.
Phone (701) 231-6155
OfficeStevens 322

Wetland ecology, biogeochemistry, ecophysiology and ecotoxicology.
Responses of wetland plants to changes in their environment. 'Extreme' wetlands. Elemental uptake by wetland plants associated with hot springs. Metal tolerance in wetland plants. Natural and constructed wetlands for improvement of water quality. Wetlands for phytoremediation and phytostabilization of mine wastes.
OfficeStevens 121

Katie Reindl

Associate Professor
Cell cycle regulation and cell motility in cancer.
Changes in gene and protein expression as cancer becomes more aggressive, and the molecular mechanisms driving the changes. Identification of pharmacological targets
for cancer treatment.
Phone (701) 231-9427
OfficeStevens 323

Assistant Professor
Insect Evolutionary Genomics.
My lab addresses fundamental questions in evolutionary biology using Drosophila as a model organism. My lab integrates diverse methods to understand how gene expression evolves within a network context, how gene expression is shaped by heterogeneous environments, and how organisms evolve in response to increasingly human modified landscapes.
Office Stevens 317

Matthew Smith

Associate Professor of Practice
Developmental Biology (ZOO 482/982), Conservation Biology (ZOO 475/675), General Biology Labs (150L&151L) Research Interests - patterns of phenotypic variation in natural populations, how such patterns can be used to infer the evolutionary history of the organisms, and inform management decisions based on this knowledge; understanding adaptations that permit organisms to subsist within a constantly changing environment.
OfficeStevens 118

Program Director, Environmental and Conservation Sciences
Evolutionary Ecology of Native and Rare Fishes.
Contemporary evolution of fish populations in response to novel environments. Establishment of new populations and the implications for host-parasite associations. Conservation biology, human-wildlife interactions.
(701) 231-8449 (voice mail only)
OfficeStevens 119

Jon Sweetman

Biology Bmr. Mac's Biology Page 265

Assistant Professor
Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Change: Understanding the impacts of disturbances to freshwater communities and ecosystems from the cumulative effects of natural and human impacts. Paleolimnology of lakes and wetlands with a focus on aquatic invertebrates, especially Cladocerans & Chironomids. Linking research to sustainable management and decision making.
Phone (701) 231-8991
OfficeStevens 211A

Associate Professor
Plant Evolutionary Ecology.
My research focuses on understanding the ecology and evolution of natural plant populations. In particular I am interested in the evolution of plant reproductive traits, the role of local adaptation and the ecological genomics and population genetics of plant responses to environmental change
Phone (701) 231-9435
OfficeStevens 316

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